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Locks­mith & Metal­wor­ker Heidelberg

Exci­ting apprenticeship!

More metal­wor­kers

W. Weese GmbH

Red­ten­ba­cher­straße 1
69126 Heidelberg

Schlos­­se­­rei-Metal­l­­bau Uwe Müller

Wald­ho­fer Straße 7
69123 Heidelberg
06221 836763

Metall­bau Ferrum

Am Göt­zen­berg 6
69126 Heidelberg

Locks­mith Heidelberg

Wel­come to our web­site! If you’re loo­king for a locks­mith or metal­wor­ker in Heidelberg and the sur­roun­ding area, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, you will learn ever­y­thing you need to know about the ser­vices, mate­ri­als and qua­lity stan­dards offe­red by local master craft­smen. Let’s dive into the world of metal con­s­truc­tion together!

The role of the locks­mith in Heidelberg

A locks­mith is a craft­sman who spe­cia­li­ses in the pro­ces­sing of metals. In Heidelberg (Rhine-Neckar dis­trict), the locks­mith plays a cen­tral role, espe­ci­ally in the crea­tion of cus­to­mi­sed metal con­s­truc­tions for pri­vate and com­mer­cial cus­to­mers. Whe­ther it’s a new bal­c­ony rai­ling, a secu­rity door or cus­to­mi­sed stairs – a locks­mith pro­vi­des stable and aes­the­tic solutions.

a bunch of chains that are stacked together

Metal con­s­truc­tion in Heidelberg: tra­di­tion and modernity

Heidelberg com­bi­nes tra­di­tion and moder­nity like no other city. This is also reflec­ted in metal con­s­truc­tion. Local com­pa­nies com­bine tra­di­tio­nal craft­sman­ship with modern tech­ni­ques to create tim­e­l­ess and dura­ble metalwork.

Important locks­mith and metal con­s­truc­tion ser­vices (pri­vate / commercial)

man wearing brown high-top sneakers

Pri­vate customers

For pri­vate cus­to­mers, Schlos­ser Heidelberg offers a wide range of ser­vices, from the pro­duc­tion of cus­to­mi­sed metal fur­ni­ture to secu­rity-rela­ted instal­la­ti­ons such as window gril­les and doors.

photo of gray metal structure during daytime

Com­mer­cial customers

Com­mer­cial cus­to­mers bene­fit from com­pre­hen­sive solu­ti­ons that are both func­tional and visually appe­al­ing. Whe­ther for office buil­dings, fac­to­ries or retail out­lets, cus­to­mi­sed metal­work is an important part of a company’s infrastructure.

Important mate­ri­als in metal construction

a close up of a metal plate with a clock on it


Steel is an extre­mely ver­sa­tile mate­rial and is often used for load-bea­ring struc­tures such as stairs and rai­lings. Steel con­s­truc­tion is cha­rac­te­ri­sed by its strength and durability.

a close up view of a shiny metal surface

Stain­less steel

Stain­less steel is not only robust, but also cor­ro­sion-resistant and aes­the­ti­cally plea­sing. It is the­r­e­fore par­ti­cu­larly sui­ta­ble for areas that are expo­sed to high loads or require an attrac­tive appearance.

low-angle photography of building


Com­bi­na­ti­ons of metal and glass are very popu­lar as they offer a modern and ele­gant look. Other mate­ri­als such as alu­mi­nium and copper are also used, depen­ding on the requi­re­ments of the project.

a close up of a metal object with a hole in it

The master craftsman’s busi­ness: qua­lity and experience

A master craftsman’s busi­ness stands for the hig­hest qua­lity and many years of expe­ri­ence. There are num­e­rous master craftsmen’s busi­nesses in Heidelberg that are cha­rac­te­ri­sed by their exper­tise and com­mit­ment to the hig­hest level of craftsmanship.

Why choose a master metal­wor­ker from Heidelberg?

A master metal­wor­ker from Heidelberg knows the local con­di­ti­ons and can the­r­e­fore respond par­ti­cu­larly well to the spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments on site. You also bene­fit from a direct cont­act person who is on hand to pro­vide you with help and advice.

Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons and standard

Com­pli­ance with DIN EN 1090-2 is an important qua­lity fea­ture in metal con­s­truc­tion. This stan­dard defi­nes the requi­re­ments for the exe­cu­tion of steel and alu­mi­nium con­s­truc­tions and thus gua­ran­tees the hig­hest level of safety and quality.

Part­ners in the region

Local part­ner­ships are an important part of our suc­cess. Many locks­miths and metal­wor­kers in Heidelberg work clo­sely with other trades­men and sup­pli­ers in the Rhine-Neckar region to offer you the best solutions.

Inno­va­tive ideas and solu­ti­ons for your home

Inno­va­tive ideas and crea­tive solu­ti­ons are the hall­mark of a good metal­wor­ker. Be inspi­red and trans­form your home into a unique place with cus­to­mi­sed metalwork.